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Contagious Courage - Mirror Mirror

Welcome to another segment of Contagious Courage.

Each month I get to introduce you to some amazing people with incredible stories of courage. It is my prayer that these stories will empower you to choose courage when faced with some "bigger than you" life struggles.

Meet Hollie Taylor, she is a radio host and has a passion for the music industry. She has her own entertainment promotions company called Ten16 Entertainment, and is the founder and president of WIMM Canada. Today, Hollie will share an inspirational story about her struggle with identity from the perspective of Snow White.

Mirror Mirror on the wall….

"My mom tells a story of 4 year old little Hollie in the bathroom getting ready for school. She says, she saw me looking into the mirror, wondering aloud “What colour will I be today? White or Black?”

- Hollie Taylor

How often do we look to people who we believe have it all together, and think why would they struggle with identity? The truth is we all struggle in one way or another, but I pray that you have the courage to be confident in who you are.

As a child I related more to the innocence and naivety of Snow White, but as I got older, I definitely related more to the flaws of the evil Queen. However, scripture has some powerful things to say about our identity, so the ONLY opinion of you that should matter, is the opinion of the one who created you." Hollie Taylor

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Have a blessed day!

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