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Contagious Courage - Andrea Foster

Today I have the privilege sharing with you an interview I had with a dear friend of mine Andrea Foster, where you'll hear phrases like CHRONIC SORROW and THRIVING JOY!

To read Andrea's article Chronic Sorrow - CLICK HERE!

Andrea is a mom of four teenagers - Russell, Lily, Annie & Audrey. Her two youngest, Annie and Audrey, are twins who were diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex at five months old. Andrea and her husband Kirk have experienced deep grief – at the loss of dreams and all that they expected their lives to be. They face daily challenges as they raise children with special needs as well as their two typical children. Having two children with profound intellectual disabilities has been challenging, rewarding and heart breaking for Andrea and Kirk, and at times they have felt unequipped to handle all that is required of them. Still, they continue to find strength in the Lord – through prayer and in His Word and through being part of the Church Body.

"They have been enabled to not only survive, but thrive in the life they have been given and know true joy in their circumstance."

Check out these beautiful documentaries

by Andrea's daughter Lily and her husband Kirk.

Our Family is Special - Lily Foster

Kirk Foster - Discusses the joys and challenges of raising four children, including twins with Tuberous sclerosis complex.

Andrea holds her Master of Science in Education (Disability Studies, Disability Ministry), Bachelor of Theology and Early Childhood Education Diploma. She is a certified Leader for Beyond Suffering – A Christian View on Disability Ministry. (Joni and Friends)

Ever thought about disability ministry but not sure where to even begin?

Andrea has a heart for disability ministry and longs to help families and leaders affected by disability, truly experience the joy of the Lord and find a place of belonging within the Church Body. To connect with Andrea for more information or inquire about her educational resources follow her on social media, and check out her website

Dream Small - Josh Wilson

Dream Small is the Anthem for the Unsung heroes.

As the song says, if we are faithful in those little things, we can add up the small things and watch them grow bigger.

"The GOD who does all things makes oceans from rivers.“

"And the King shall answer them and say, if you have done it for one of the least of these, you have done it unto me."

- Matthew 25:40-45

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