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So, over Christmas I made up to 11 steps, and I finally have proof to back up my praise report. Why it took so long? I don't know. But I haven't been able to do it again until now. I attempted first with my runners, and quickly realized there was just too much grip, and I couldn't follow through haha..SO the runners had to go! That's my next steps with runners haha...

I didn't count how many steps this was, but I thank you God for EVERY step forward, because each step I take, brings me one step closer to where you wants me to be. Both physically and spiritually. Whether it's big or small, I'm moving forward, AND going father!! Which is the title of my book..."Going Farther" It should be ready to hit the stands, by May 2016, or sooner!

This is all very exciting and surreal, and I want to thank you ALL for your prayers and support. Please fill free to sign up for my newsletter, so you can be informed about upcoming book signing events, locations, dates and times.


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