Can't Run YET! But, I Can Play Ball!
Proof"s in the pudding...So they say... I told you all, that I played volleyball.. Well, today when I tried again..And, I did even...
IT'S HAPPENING!!! So, over Christmas I made up to 11 steps, and I finally have proof to back up my praise report. Why it took so long? I...

Little Praise Report
Good Morning Friends, A month or so back, I was asked to write an article in the New Zealand Encourager – a Christian magazine that...
First Unassisted Steps
It is hard to believe that when I started with my trainer Nancy back in May of 2014 I could barely make steps with my walker, and now I'm...

Go Farther!
GO FARTHER!!! For the longest time I doubted myself and my abilities. Always knowing I wanted to do more or be more, I finally realized...